Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Introducting IGetU2C's Toolbox by Brian D. Collins

     Howdy everyone!  Welcome to my workshop!  Here is where you will have a chance to learn how to use some tools that you may not have heard of before.  You can also learn a new way to use some old tools that you already have in your collection.  My workshop has only one toolbox and there are only a few tools I use on a day to day basis.  Like you, I am still learning and growing and so I will add a few new tools along the way.  Tools can be anything that can help make our daily lives better.  Triggers are tools to help remind us of habits that we are adopting into our lives.  Quotations are tools that help keep us on the path that we have laid out for our future.  Some tools can replace one or more old tools that you have been using for a long time now.  There are so many tools to choose from, CD's, Books, seminars and conferences, just to name a few.  My hope is to find a way to make your life a better place to be.

     Many tools that I have found have come from primarily a single source.  A movie!  Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life."  Our lives have ups and downs, triumphs and tragedies, success and failure and lets face it, some pretty memorable moments that seems to be what effects us the most.  My goal is to find a way to increase those moments of good memories by both quality and quantity.  How does that happen?  We need to make a few changes in our lives.  Sometimes the most simple of changes in habit or deed can have the biggest impact on our attitude as well as how others perceive who we really are.  I have always enjoyed teaching and having conversations that essentially lead to helping others find a way to think for themselves and to reach a conclusion that will take them to the next step up in there life journey.

     To answer a question that I get every once in awhile, what is "IGetU2C?"  Simply explained, it's "I Get You To See."  Many years ago I was visiting an eye doctor that had personalized license plates on his car.  He used an image of those plates pretty much everywhere.  When he closed his practice in California I acquired his idea.  I have been using it for about twenty years now.  So I have named my blog "IGetU2C's Toolbox" for the simple reason that I want to present tools that will help you see a better or different way of looking at the world around you.  Take the tools that you want and leave the rest.  If you find a tool that you like, you can use it the way I present it or you can customize your own experience with it.  I am a straight foreword, simple person that enjoys learning new things and meeting new people and going to new places.  My hope is to join you in a fun and exciting walk through life and at the same time help each other out a little along the way.

     My blog titled "IGetU2C" is just for reposts of quotations and ideas from others that I find interesting as well as products and services that I have to sell.  Add it to your daily browsing and find something useful everyday.  You can follow me on twitter and instagram and like my page on facebook as well.  I am a builder so you'll find things changing and being added.  Let's have fun together.  It really is a wonderful life.

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