Saturday, June 24, 2017

Reading into it.

     I have noticed that a great deal of people are offended by what they read.  Not so much the words but how the words appear.  All caps, insistence.  Emoticons and emojis have made the written word even more likely to be misinterpreted and misunderstood.  I have also noticed that a lot of folks are offended by words that they do not understand or do not know the meaning of.

     Here is a solution.  Treat all written words as information and education.  Find something to take home with you.  Find something to improve your daily life.  Ignore anything and everything that shows emotion and feelings such as logos, icons, emojis and emoticons.  These are designed to mean something different to everyone anyway.  Most of the time when a writer uses all caps they are trying to convey something important.  They are not shouting, all caps do not make any noise at all.  When you read, look for only the good in what you are reading.  If you want to make the most of what you are reading, read it more then once.  I think that most of the time when people see only emotion in what they are reading it is because they are looking for only things that they disagree with.  Here is a good thing to remember, treat it like a smorgasbord.  You take what you want and leave the rest.  One of the most important things about reading is don't read into it.  Don't try to get into the writers head.  Only look at what is being written and no more.

     A final note to those that are fond of slang, abbreviations, emojis and the like.  STOP IT!  You are actually hurting your chances of being able to convey your real point.  Use real words.  A good rule to adopt into your everyday life is to learn three to five new words.  If you do this for the rest of your life, you'll go further then you can possibly imagine.

     Always do your absolute best to not get offended and get the most out of what you read and you will have a wonderful life.