Monday, May 29, 2017

Being weird.

     Today I thought I'd write about an odd subject, at least, I think it's odd.  Being weird.  Now, I know what you are thinking.  I'm going to say it's okay to be weird.  Actually, no.  I am, however, going to say this.  If others call you weird, that's okay.  If others tell people that you are weird, that's okay.  Being weird isn't okay.  Why, because in the long term it is an absolute detriment to your success.  If you are weird you have to know when and where to turn it off.  Those who pride themselves on their weirdness are usually only weird in certain circumstances.  Let's be honest, those who are weird all of the time are hard to be around.  They are hard to be friends with, really good friends.  Everyone has eccentricities.  This does not make them weird.  If you focus on those things, then you will be considered weird by others.  In short, it's okay to be weird once in awhile but if you want to be successful, really successful, learn how to turn it on and off.  Now, go and have a wonderful life.

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