Saturday, May 6, 2017

Nothing, or, the blog about nothing.

     Have you ever sat down to write a blog post or article and couldn't think of anything to write.  It happens all the time.  There is a good reason for that.  It has to do with today's theme, attitude.  The truth is, when you get into that situation about not knowing what to write about its because you are trying to hard.  You are trying to write something beyond yourself.  You are trying to be wise, witty and wonderful.  You are trying to be philosophical or theological.  You are trying to be profound and influential.  You see, here's the deal.  Only write about what you know, what you have done, who you know, and where you have gone.  A good writer never runs out of stuff to write about.  Those who write about their feelings and emotions as a general rule are boring and uninteresting.  If you write about how you handled a situation, good or bad, you should write about how you resolved it and how you could have done a better job.  Write about what you will do next time in that situation.  The best rule is the only stand by, the five W's and an H.  If you've heard about this rule, then you are most likely a pretty decent writer. Here are the five W's and an H.  Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.  Answer those one word questions about any subject or situation and you will be on your way to writing like a decent blogger or article writer.  Remember to be positive and encouraging in your writing.  Remember to be honest and most important, don't write just because you think that what you have to say are the most valuable words in the world, because they are not.  They are, however, important to you.  They might be important to someone who is needing to hear the words that you are typing because they are experiencing that situation when they read it.  Never forget that most of the time, no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.  I hope this is helpful.

     There have been books, movies and TV shows about nothing.  There are celebrities, politicians, preachers and teachers who are all about nothing.  Nothing makes millions of dollars everyday.  Our goal in life is to find a way to move from the nothing to the something.  When we have a conversation, when we write and even when we are just thinking, we should remember to be solution oriented.  The nothing crowd is focused on the problem.  The nothing group like to gossip and tear everyone and anyone down.  Find a goal and work towards it.  Find a dream and make it happen.  That's why I am writing this blog, to help me find a way to accomplish my dreams and goals, and help others out at the same time.  Attitude isn't just how you think.  It isn't even about what you do or say.  It's really about a long term behavior.  Something that you do, even when no one is looking.  Lets do this thing, together.

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