Saturday, May 6, 2017

Writing a blog.

     Yup, you guessed it, this isn't about writing a blog.  It's about attitude.  You see, the fact is, I do not like blogs.  I do not like writing.  I do, however, enjoy a good conversation.  This is it, the attitude part.  We do what we do not want to do so that we can do what we want to do later.  In other words, we do the hard stuff first, then the easy stuff is fun.  We whole point of this short article is to say that I am doing this because I need to figure things out for myself and at the same time help a few folks like you figure things out too.  Nope, I don't really enjoy doing this, but I do it anyway so that I can learn and grow and at the same time meet a few new folks and have conversations with a few folks that I know.  I don't believe that I am that great of a writer.  I do believe that my writing, if not now, at some point in the future, will be of value to others.  I hope so.  Attitude is ninety-nine percent of what we do or do not do.  We choose to make things easy or hard.  We choose to make things fun or a chore.  We have to do certain things so that we can be a better person.  If we don't, then we will be like all those who have very little in life wining about how everyone else isn't doing enough for them.  Here are the rules.  Read good books.  Listen to good audio programs, including music.  Hang out with those who are heading in the same direction as you.  Be supportive of others dreams and goals.  Be encouraging, no matter what.  Stop listening to radio and watching TV, they're dream killers.  Most important, at least to me, find someone to help in small ways everyday, regardless of how you feel.  That's it, that's my article about writing a blog.  It's not what you thought it would be about, huh?  At least it was short, very short.

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