Monday, May 8, 2017

Idle hands.

     When they say that idle hands are the devils workshop, they aint kidding.  I have a six your old with an awesome imagination and huge amounts of energy.  If we don't give her something to do, she will find something to do and it's not usually a good thing.  She does what she thinks about.  Grownups are exactly the same way they just don't want to admit it.  So, lets admit it, right here, right now, all of us.

     We need to remember that if we aren't running toward a worthwhile goal, then we are running toward a goal that is destructive.  We do what we think about, including me.  Kids are going to grow up, sooner then we think and so we need to teach them that they need to set and achieve goals.  Little goals, big goals, even goals with chickenpox.  Here's the deal.  Daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, yearly goals, in other words, short term, mid-range goals and long term goals.  Short term goals are three to five years, mid-range goals are ten years and long term goals are for life.  I'm not going to go into how to set goals the reach them because there are far too many of that sort of stuff already, at least not here and now.  I might try to tackle that mountain in another article.

     Kids need something to do all the time.  If they don't, they will get themselves into trouble.  Adults are just big kids with better toys and bigger ideas.  The best way to ruin a child's life is to not give them something to do.  I know, my little girl gets herself into trouble on a regular basis.  As I have said before, I'm writing this more for myself then for others.  We are going to work in this in our house.

     Here are some basic rules.  First, set goals and break them into parts and pieces.  Second, talk about these goals everyday.  Third, keep track of everything, not just the goals and there progress.  Fourth, reward them.  I'll let you figure that out for yourself because you know your own child better then anyone else.  Here is the most important basic rule of them all.  You need to do it too.  If you aren't setting and achieving goals your kids won't do it.  Make it a family deal.  Set a time every Sunday and work out a schedule for the week.  On the first of every month set aside time to work a plan for the whole month.  Do this for the whole year as well.  You will be so happy about your life, your kids will be better behaved and you and your family will be setting the ultimate example for others.  You will have fun and you will have success.

     Remember, "It's a Wonderful Life."  Enjoy you week y'all.

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