Tuesday, May 9, 2017

House cleaning!

 Really, house cleaning?  Pretty much!  Well, here's the explanation.  If we want to move foreword, we must travel as light as we possibly can.  Baggage, our or others, will slow us down.  I've been cleaning up a few things.  Shortening my time on social networks, limiting my time reading news and pruning my schedule.  Why is keeping things neat and orderly important?  Well you already know the answer to that question.  Baggage is usually emotional.  Old clothes that you no longer wear or pretty much anything that you no longer use.  Include people.  If they are tearing you down in any way, limit your time or just stop seeing them.  I think that this is a very difficult thing to do for most of us.  Its because we do not always see what parts of our lives are baggage and what parts of our life are tools.  A good idea for recognizing baggage is what isn't needed right now, what you haven't needed on a year or more, and what just plain doesn't make any sense for your dreams and goals for your future.  If you don't really know what do to do some research.  There are a lot of books and audio programs about how to house clean.  Cleaning up your life isn't just important, its an absolute must.  The more distractions you have, the less you will be able to work toward your dreams and goals.  Have a wonderful life everybody.

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